Black Rutilated Quartz

Black Rutilated Quartz 

Grounding, Cleansing, Awareness

Black Tourmilinated Rutile Quartz
The brightest of Mother Earth’s “dark” stones, black rutilated quartz is both unique and powerful. Its high concentration of rutile inclusions found within the quartz give it an intense grounding power which, when combined with clear quartz’s amplifying powers, can help us to stay grounded with reality while pursuing our dreams.
Black rutilated quartz is one of the most powerful stones for manifesting dreams and desires into reality. Because of the grounding properties of the rutile inclusions, this stone can help to keep us rooted in the realm of practicality while we seek higher aspirations, leading to greater chances of our goals coming to fruition.
This crystal is well-known for its cleansing and purifying abilities. Many use this stone to dissolve and block negative and toxic energies; it’s said that black rutilated quartz can resolve and then release stress and tension from within. This makes it one of the best stones for combatting the day-to-day stress of our lives.
Many people use black rutilated quartz to bring a higher awareness into their lives. It’s known for its ability to heighten our perception of the universe. It’s said that this crystal can help us to see past façades and gain a greater understanding of the people and world around us.