African Jade Buddite


I am beauty, I am majesty, I am potential.

Deeply green and soothing, I am an ancient symbol of nobility. Enduring and lovely, I carry unlimited potential.

 African Jade Buddite

Perhaps you’ve seen me— 

My glassy sheen, green deep as the sea.

Perhaps you know me.

I’m a thing of value, a thing of beauty.

Kings and emperors crave me.

I am a symbol of their power, their nobility.

A symbol of majesty.

Perhaps you feel my allure.

But can you see any deeper?

Do you see what I carry within?

I am the stone of artists. Malleable, waiting.

Shapes deep within me call out

Waiting to be born.

A work of art, I am anything,

I am everything.

A dragon, a serpent, a fish, a forest.

A stone for carvings, for decor;

A stone for lavish beauty.

I am a blank canvas, ready to be shaped.

I carry the energy of ideas, of imagination.

Whether carved or rough— transformed or untouched,

I am beauty, I am majesty, I am potential.

I am Jade.


African Jade Buddite
Grounding, Connection, Understanding
As soothingly green as a rainforest, African jade buddite is both alluring and powerful.
This stone has a wide range of amazing abilities that can help us overcome issues in personal relationships and understanding. African jade buddite can help us stay grounded on our journeys of self-discovery.
This stone is found only in South Africa, and has been used for centuries as an
ornamental stone by various tribes in the region. Interestingly, though it’s called jade, this stone is not jade— it’s actually opaque garnet, with deposits of fuchsite, epidote, and chlorite that give it its green color.
African jade buddite is said to be deeply connected to the past. Many use this stone to
connect deeply with their ancestors and heritage, and to better comprehend their personal past.
It’s said that this stone can help us to foster understanding and acceptance of cultures outside of our own.
Many people use African jade buddite to connect more deeply with the people around
them. It’s said that this stone is ideal for group settings; it can help us to overcome differences and work together. It enhances cooperation and empathy between people.


African Jade Buddite Grounding, Connection, Understanding As soothingly green as a rainforest, African jade buddite is both alluring and powerful.

African Jade Buddite Grounding, Connection, Understanding As soothingly green as a rainforest, African jade buddite is both alluring and powerful.

African Jade Buddite Grounding, Connection, Understanding As soothingly green as a rainforest, African jade buddite is both alluring and powerful.